Landowners Roles and Responsibilities

Private landowners play a key role in ensuring that we have healthy watersheds now and for the future. How we treat our land today impacts not just ourselves, but also our neighbours and future generations.

Types of projects landowners are participating in are:

  • Practicing water conservation in their homes and around their yard
  • Protecting the vegetation along the banks of ponds, streams and lakes
  • Installing livestock fencing
  • Providing alternative water sources for livestock
  • Maintaining properly functioning septic systems
  • Decommissioning unused wells
  • Properly disposing of household hazardous wastes
  • Being diligent with fuel handling and storage practices
  • Conscientious handling and storage of chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers

Important Resources for Landowners

These resources provide more information about what you can do as a landowner to ensure a healthy watershed:

Best Practices for Non-Municipal Drinking Water Systems (link)
What Landowners Can Do to Protect Water
What is a Septic System? (1.94MB)
How Do I Care For My Private Well? (1.50MB) 
The Importance of Proper Fuel Storage (1.11MB)
Agricultural Activities Fact Sheet (730 KB)
Fuel Fact Sheet (771 KB)
Pesticides Fact Sheet (847 KB)
Government of Ontario Source Water Protection Map (link)
Risk Management Measures Catalogue (link)

Drinking Water Protection Road Signs (link)