What Is the Source Protection Committee?

Under the Clean Water Act, a Source Protection Committee representing multiple stakeholders is required for each source protection region in Ontario. A Source Protection Committee oversees all matters of the Source Protection Region. The Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee is responsible for monitoring processes associated with the gathering of source protection information, assessing threats, developing policies and supporting implementation of the comprehensive Drinking Water Source Protection Plans for the Trent and Ganaraska watersheds.
The Committee is comprised of 24 members plus the Chair. There are seats for 7 municipal representatives; 7 economic sector representatives (agricultural, commerce, industry); 7 other representatives (public, environmental, etc.); and 3 First Nations representatives. Three non-voting seats are also reserved for one representative from each of the following: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks; local Health Units, and Source Protection Authorities.
To review the Source Protection Committee Member's Handbook, click here.