Jim Hunt, Chair
Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee
Jim Hunt lives in Port Hope and has an office in Cobourg. He is a litigation lawyer who has appeared before the courts and tribunals in Ontario and Nova Scotia. He has been an instructor at the Bar Admission Course for the Law Society of Upper Canada and at George Brown College. He has served and continues to serve as a Tribunal Member for an Administrative Tribunal and as an Arbitrator. He has a wide range of experience in environmental matters working with the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment in the 1960’s and 1970’s. He has a CET, a BA in Geography from the University of Western Ontario, a Law Degree and MBA from Dalhousie University. Jim has served on many committees and boards including the Planning Advisory Committee, Water Works Commissioner and later Councillor in the Town of Port Hope and on the Board for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority in the 1990’s until 2000. Jim provided legal representation at the Walkerton Inquiry.