Data Policy and Data Licensing

Details on our licensing, policies, and additional information related to data.

TCC Data Policy

Data sharing allows our partners, researchers, businesses, and the public to extend the use of TCC data, helping us achieve implementation of the Source Protection Plan, and contribute to related initiatives such as Great Lakes and Climate change. TCC strives to make data as widely available as possible while safeguarding Personal Information and protecting confidential and proprietary third party data.

Sharing data encourages diversity of analysis and opinion, promotes new research, makes possible the testing of new or alternative methods of analysis; supports scientific studies; facilitates the education of new researchers; and enables the exploration of topics not originally envisioned.

Licensing Details

Data available from the TCC is provided under the terms of an Open Data Licence. We continue to review our data and licensing approach and are committed to providing access to more data over time. The TCC may make changes to the data or the terms of these licenses from time to time, to be released in the form of data, or a new version of the licence. Your use of the information will be governed by the terms of the licence in force as of the date you accessed the information.

TCC Open Data Licence v1Source Protection Authorities CoveredRequiredPermittedForbidden

Introduced in 2015, our Open Data Licence allows you to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit the LTRCA on behalf of the TCC for the original creation and license new creations under identical terms. This is our most accommodating licence and allows for maximum dissemination and use of TCC’s licensed information. This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the TCC Open Data Licence v1.

  • Kawartha Haliburton Source Protection Authority
  • Crowe Valley Conservation Authority
  • Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority
  • Lower Trent Conservation
  • Otonabee Region Conservation Authority
  • Attribution
  • Licence and Copyright notice
  • Private Use
  • Distribute
  • Modification
  • Sell
  • Derivatives
  • Sublicense
  • Hold liable


TCC Open Data Licence v2Source Protection Authorities CoveredRequiredPermittedForbidden

Introduced in 2015, our Open Data Licence allows you to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit the LTRCA on behalf of the TCC for the original creation and license new creations under identical terms. This is our most accommodating licence and allows for maximum dissemination and use of TCC’s licensed information. This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the TCC Open Data Licence v2.

  • Crowe Valley Conservation Authority
  • Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority
  • Lower Trent Conservation
  • Otonabee Region Conservation Authority
  • Attribution
  • Licence and Copyright notice
  • Private Use
  • Distribute
  • Modification
  • Sell
  • Derivatives
  • Sublicense
  • Hold liable